
Only refuel LPG of verified quality

Do you know the composition of the gas you use to power your vehicle? Do you know what parameters it should meet? Do you refuel LPG only at stations supplied by a reliable supplier?

The parameters of LPG are defined in the standard for autogas – it contains all the guidelines for this type of fuel. The quality of the fuel is confirmed by a quality certificate issued by an accredited laboratory. Each delivery to a service station should be accompanied by the presentation of a dedicated certificate. The process of quality control and assurance is important at each stage of the distribution process – from the transhipment of imported gas at the terminal through the distribution by road tanker to the sale from the distributor at the station. It pays to use suppliers who have full control over this process – such as the direct importer and distributor of LPG TEZET.

A trustworthy supplier not only takes care of the gas quality at each stage of distribution but also offers LPG with much better parameters than those required by the norm, additionally adjusting the fuel to weather conditions – distinguishing between the summer and winter seasons.

You have the right to know what you are refuelling your car with – verify the quality of LPG at your station!